I am so happy that IQM came my way. Georgina is a fantastic, inspiring teacher that is there to support you, not just on the workshop weekend but anytime after. It's such a powerful tool that I use at least once a day to prepare myself for the day - energetically, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I really feel that I have found the correct healing modality for me, it works instantly and other people around me have benefited from receiving Quantum Medicine. It's one of the best modalities that really bridges the gap between spirituality and science perfectly. One of the best parts for me is also finding the Quantum Community that are there to help support in any way they can too. I cannot wait to continue to learn Level 2 and beyond!
Sunita Dhaliwal
Miracles happen! We finally decided for a regular treatment with Georgina; that was a good decision. We call it an open connection, a Georgina flat rate. My 85 years old husband is suffering from multi-causal dementia for 15 years. He is affected by the late consequences of an unaddressed post traumatic syndrome by at least one heavy concussion in his life and by wrong diet and lifestyle over many years.
This winter I thought, his resources are coming to an end, but then Georgina started to work on him, there was an inexplicable release of worries or of something that had weighed heavy on him. Especially the mornings after a night-treatment (we live in different time zones), he wakes up fresh and in better mood. His general expression, his stamina and also his motivation have changed very much to the better in the last 2 months during her regular treatment. We are very happy about that, it shows, that he has resources, encourages us to work with him and, it makes him happier.
As for myself, for now I am coping better with various chronic pains, want to say, pain is fading and I feel so much better, happier, lighter! Thank you, Georgina!
Claudia Bueler-Wolfe
I have been a client of Georgina’s since 2012 when she was then practicing vibrational medicine. I continued on the healing journey with her as Georgina moved into quantum medicine, first as a client, and more recently, as a student of level one & two courses.
From this life to pre birth, past life, mental physical, emotional, vocational & spiritual, working with Georgina has helped me, enlightened me and still continues to heal & strengthen me & my connection to self, spirit and god, in and throughout all levels of my existence.
If you are considering studying the teachings of quantum medicine with Georgina, aside from vouching for her teachings & wisdom, I truly believe that, like all things in life, what you put in, is what you get out, so give it all you’ve got.
I am forever grateful for the healings, teachings, insight, support, challenge, friendship & love I continue to receive from Georgina.
Mike Parry
I have had the honour of studying with Georgina Withers. She is one of the most intuitive and caring teachers I have ever worked with. She embodies a beautiful and open heart. Georgina is a wisdom holder and she is incredibly humble.
She transmits the teachings in a very clear and effective manner so that the learning experience is powerful and practical.
I look forward to continue my studies with Georgina!
Suzanne Faith Slocum-Gori
Georgina has been an amazing guiding woman in my life and one whom I trust with the entirety of my heart. She has supported me to navigate experiences with love and care, continuously reminding me of the beauty of divinity and my place in the world. Humble beyond belief, Georgina has the ability to make you feel safe instantly, with her incredibly kind and compassionate ways of being. I have always left my sessions feeling renewed and gentle, almost like a child and my post treatment shifts are felt both in my body and my spirit in such comforting ways.
I am so grateful to have met her and to be able to work with this gem of a human being.
Mahisima Fraysee
Georgina began the day with one of her wonderful meditations which grounded & transcended the group into deep relaxation & healing finishing off with the giggles making ALL of our cells smile!!
After this we made a fascinating journey of discovery of how to use IQM, the ways in which we can assist clearing/healing ourselves and others.
Georgina gave a lot of other information to further enrich the course which I really found helpful. The course was held in the most charming place with the joyous hospitality of her dear fury friends.
It was an all encompassing nourishing & special experience to be taught by Georgina and one I truly recommend.
Thank you so very much dear Georgina.
Catherine Taylor-Dawson
Studying IQM level 1 and level 2 has been amazing.
Georgina teaching is thorough and empowering. I have always wanted to learn a healing modality and this one is incredible in its simplicity. I have started to work on myself and others and have witness the shifts that are occurring, and it is truly fascinating!
Georgina is passionate about this modality and gives great support throughout and afterwards with any questions or problems you may be having.
It has been exactly what I’ve been looking for in helping others to heal and break free from illness and limiting beliefs.I would highly recommend IQM and and cannot wait to study level 3!
Nancy Markwick
Georgina is such a beautiful soul. I am so grateful to have met her, connected with her and stepped on the healing journey with her guidance.
Energy is indeed timeless and spaceless, it is everywhere and you do not need to be in the same room with Georgina to feel instantaneous effects in your body, mind and soul when she is guiding you through the process of a very deep work on Your Self. I desperately needed to do this work to heal, dissolve and release the hurtful feelings caused by misunderstandings and clashes with my dad...
You wouldn't believe it but the wound started healing almost immediately...The hearts softened, opened and started listening.
Thank you Georgina for being there for all the souls who strive for healing and growth 🙏
I had worked too hard and too long in a toxic environment and it had started to take its toll on me and my well being.
A friend recommended Georgina, and my first session with her released so much stress and cleared all the clouds in my head. I could see clearly what was going on around me, my own part in it, and my history leading up to my current situation.
Ever since that day, I am visiting Georgina every time I am in Ibiza. In between, when needed, she gives me remote
sessions, which has helped me alot too. Her energy travels all the way from Ibiza to Sweden and I can feel it. Amazing.
I can also recommend her massages. Getting a massage, with the oils handpicked for your body and soul, only strengthens the well being. Perfect way of wrapping up your session. I always feel light and centered when I leave
Charlotte Gustavasson
I have visited Georgina for many different reasons over the years, whether it be hormonal problems, anxiety, stress, over excess, or more commonly viruses I could not shift!
As soon as I see Georgina i always feel a sense of release and am ready to share all my inner feelings and thoughts. Georgina’s caring approach makes me comfortable and supported during the treatment and I trust her completely. What I love about vibrational healing is the re-balancing of the whole body emotionally and physically, Georgina treats the cause not just the symptoms helping the body heal itself. Following the treatment I always feel more complete and grounded and far more at ease with life, this lasts for sometime coupled with the unique treatment oil used daily, full of the vibrations needed to keep the balance, its a support system for our busy lives.
It amazes me every time how spot on Georgina is with her diagnosis. This alone gives you faith in the unique treatment.
I highly recommend once a month to keep everything flowing and well tuned!
Jo Mills, Essential Ibiza
Dear Georgina,
Words cant describe how grateful I am to you! Meeting you and learning all about IQM has been an incredible experience for me. After my first session I was amazed by how effective the healing was. You get to the root cause of the problem, on a quantum level, to the very essence of it. I am so fortunate to have found IQM and the opportunity to study with you. There is something magical about working with you! You have this magic in and around you! Not only are you an incredible healer but you bring a beautiful humor to your teachings.
I highly recommend Georgina for Intergrative Quantum Medicine. I really cannot recommend this modality more highly. Oh and by the way - it works! I am so lucky to have met you! Thank you!
Mary Dunn
Taking the IQM level 1 training with Georgina has empowered and enabled me to share the benefits and healing power of this medicine with so many of my friends, family and strangers in need, while benefitting from it myself too! The ease and simplicity with which she delivers the training, gives you the skills and confidence needed, to absorb and apply the training with immediate results. The ongoing community support and sense of teamwork in bringing this work to so many people in need, is inspiring and uplifting to be a part of. I would highly recommend Georgina's training if you are looking to expand your skills and offering in bringing healing medicine to more people in need.
Odette Stopforth
I was recommended Georgina several years ago and am very grateful to her for the amazing tools she has shown me to help change my un subconscious habits regarding my thinking, and helping me to break free from my old ways (still work in practise!)
Georgina taught me that our perception of our experiences are due to our beliefs and conditioning which create our reality. What I love about vibrational medicine is that it doesn’t involve talking about past dramas and experiences in our lives which are seen as negative. I originally visited Georgina with a really painful herniated disc in my lower back. I remember hobbling in to her room and leaving with a spring in my step.
The pain had been hugely reduced where she had removed a lot of negative, blocked emotions which were blocking certain chakras. I have since visited her regularly for the past three years, watched her progress in her education within this field and really believe she is very powerful in helping people to transform from the inside out.
Georgina is very approachable and very ‘true to herself’ unlike a lot of the so called healers I have come across in my past.
You will feel this yourself if you are lucky enough to visit Georgina.
Katie Richings
Whether I see Georgina for emotional or physical well being the results have always been highly beneficial and 100% successful.
Georgina is extremely thorough in her diagnosis, in addition she’s professional and deeply compassionate – I always feel in safe hands. Georgina has seen me through a potentially chronic illness – with several treatments and a change in diet the symptoms have gone, completely. Despite several conventional specialist telling me this would not be possible.
I see Georgina not only when something is wrong with my health but also for ‘ tune up’s’… to keep myself in balance as a preventative medicine – I always come away feeling deeply relaxed, calm and serene and my life flows wonderfully after our sessions.
I love her massages also, they can be deeply relaxing, relieving muscular pain or brilliant for an energised, vital feeling.
Thank you Georgina I’m so grateful for your loving healing and commitment to well being, you’re one of a kind and fortunately I’ve had no need to see a GP in the 3 years I’ve been seeing you! I’ve grown spiritually from your sessions and gained so much understanding into a different approach to well being, namely vibrational medicine. No looking back!
I have been visiting Georgina for over 3 years now. I see her 2 or 3 times a year. Normally I’m prompted to go by a health concern, often accompanied by a feelings of either fatigue, stress or difficulty enjoying life properly due to a feeling of disconnection.
A couple of years ago I went to her seeking help about an enlarged thyroid gland (goitre). Specialists in the UK and Ibiza were unable to explain why it had come about as my thyroid function was normal as were my iodine levels. The only solution I was offered was to have the whole gland cut out and to be having blood tests and on medication the rest of my life – I was only 37. Over a couple of sessions with Georgina, she figured out what caused it and it has stopped the swelling. I’ve even seen it become less prominent since. Interestingly she also had the ability to tell me through dousing my thyroid blood test results. They matched up exactly.
I’ve also brought my 3 year old son to see her. Once for a runny nose and cough that lasted 3 months. It was gone by the next day. The other time I took him was because he was having a lot of tantrums and being fearful about things he used to love. She deduced it was due to fear about starting junior school soon. Immediately after the session he was transformed back into a loving, playful and fearless little boy again.
On my last visit I was seeking help to deal to deal with my overwhelming emotions relating to my fathers terminal illness. Georgina helped me to release my repressed grief in a particularly cathartic session. I also felt a heart connection with him on the other side of the world so I can send him comfort and keep a connection with him during his last weeks.
Every session I have with her leaves me with the ability to see the world around me in beautiful clarity again. I’m uplifted and find it a joy to be with people. I’m pervaded by a sense of self love combined with calmness and clarity of thought. If you are lucky enough to be in ibiza, then you are also lucky enough to visit Georgina. She always my first choice for any physical or emotional imbalance. I am full of gratitude and admiration for her.
Catherine Atkin
I came to Georgina through a series of beautiful synchronicities. The treatment I received from her was the perfect conclusion to a yoga retreat I’d done the week before. At the time I was going through a very rough patch and the addition of the retreat and Georgina’s treatment allowed me to make a huge jump forward in my emotional healing.
The treatment consisted of two distinct parts : first Georgina channeled information that proved very accurate. For instance I was informed it was time for me to let go of an “addiction” I had. As I don’t smoke, drink or take drugs, we soon understood it was being referred to my daily intake of antidepressants and sleeping pills to fight my depression. And actually, I had completely forgotten to take any of them during my yoga retreat and was feeling great. So I followed the advice with faith and since this day, never took another pill.
The second part of the treatment worked on the energetic level. Georgina used both stones and a oily mixture she placed on different parts of my body. This part was extremely relaxing and left me in a stage of deep calm. When I flew home in the evening, I felt peaceful and recharged. Don’t miss the experience if you can help it.
Anne, France
Whether I see Georgina for emotional or physical well being the results have always been highly beneficial and 100% successful.
Georgina is extremely thorough in her diagnosis, in addition she’s professional and deeply compassionate – I always feel in safe hands. Georgina has seen me through a potentially chronic illness – with several treatments and a change in diet the symptoms have gone, completely. Despite several conventional specialist telling me this would not be possible.
I see Georgina not only when something is wrong with my health but also for ‘ tune up’s’ … to keep myself in balance as a preventative medicine – I always come away feeling deeply relaxed, calm and serene and my life flows wonderfully after our sessions. I love her massages also, they can be deeply relaxing, relieving muscular pain or brilliant for an energised, vital feeling.
Thank you Georgina I’m so grateful for your loving healing and commitment to well being, you’re one of a kind and fortunately I’ve had no need to see a GP in the 3 years I’ve been seeing you! I’ve grown spiritually from your sessions and gained so much understanding into a different approach to well being, namely vibrational medicine. No looking back!
Elisabeth Josephine
Georgina Withers is the nearest person to an angel that I have ever met! I have been fortunate enough to have had several treatments from her, all with incredible results. Her diagnosis is always uncannily accurate, with her treatments having a 100% cure rate! From my personal experience I would actually visit Georgina before booking an appointment with my registered doctor – she is now officially my GP!
Georgina has treated me in many different ways, from speeding up my recovery from a nasty virus with her vibrational healing and medicine, to successfully guiding me through times of mental and physical stress. Her full body massage is also second to none!
She is sympathetic, always full of empathy and makes you feel completely at ease. I feel that I could tell her absolutely anything, knowing that she will reassuringly listen and advise on a very grounded level. I am also always at ease that our sessions are kept totally private and in the strictest of confidence – this is vitally important here especially that we live on a tiny island, unfortunately everybody seems to know everyone else’s business!!
Through her treatments I have been lucky to become the greatest of friends with her and I value our bond and friendship with the utmost of respect. Like I said, she is an angel and I am eternally grateful that our paths crossed….
Thank you Georgina xxx
Tired of seeing how I repeat similar situations throughout my life with myself and in my relationships, I felt the need to seek support and clarity with Georgina. We have made several online consultations, the doubts at the beginning, if they are made or are waiting to be able to carry out the Quarantine in person.
Actually, from the first session I noticed immediate liberating effects. I could describe it as "greater clarity and a deeper feeling around my thought and behavior patterns, being able to recognize them more easily on a day-to-day basis, thus taking on a new awareness when choosing how to act differently from my standardized patterns".
The sessions have allowed me to get to know myself better, understand how I work, accept and respect myself more, and mainly, give a different approach to my thoughts and actions with myself and with others. My day-to-day life now has the taste of the fruits that Georgina's therapy gave me.
Thank you Georgina!
I started vibrational healing with Derek Talbot for my mother recovering from cancer in 2004 and even though I didn’t really understand how it worked I found vast improvements with my mother’s recovery – after extensive chemotherapy treatment – through Derek’s work.
Georgina has been trained by Derek and as a woman I found Georgina’s intuitive healing powers have been structured through this vibrational healing system to produce miracles in the healing of various symptoms I have experienced over the years.
She is a gentle, precise and caring practitioner and she has earned my trust and respect as a healer with her judicious passion to study and heal others including myself. I am a non believer in most things until I experience the facts. She is accurate in her diagnosis and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone interested in healing themselves on a deeper level.
If you are ready and open you will without a doubt learn new things about your physical and emotional self that you did not feel present.
She shines the light on the parts of myself I cannot or am not willing to see. Her sense of awareness inspires mine.
Jax May Lysycia
I originally went to Georgina just for massage having had great recommendations for her bodywork & reiki. Once there she asked about my
health & then uncovering a health issue decided she would set about fixing it. At the time I thought this pretty ambitious… just prior to this a
specialist had recommended an operation & prescribed strong medication to be taken indefinitely! I’m not into medication & didn’t want a life
on it so the search was on for another way….
Georgina’s healing sessions take place in her peaceful treatment room & she is such a warm, trustworthy & genuine person that you feel
comfortable sharing your personal stuff with her. First she asks about health or other problems, then measures your various levels & checks for general & specific problems/blockages. she aims to uncover & treat the root of the problem or imbalance.
All manner of things emerge from the past (& present) & it’s a wonderful release to let go of them: there could be a few tears. Georgina likens the work to peeling the many layers of an onion: you work on the outer layers & then keep peeling them off….!
Georgina then makes you up a unique mixture from her vibrational remedies, a small vial of oil to apply to certain parts of the body according to your needs. She also likes to use massage & acupressure to clear any blockages in the meridians & reiki to clear any negative energy. Georgina advocates & explains using EFT & advises some lifestyle changes you may have to make but happily none of them were too drastic or impossible to keep to. As for her massage & reiki, she’s strong & it’s the best i’ve ever had. The body just feels unlocked afterwards, much lighter & looser.
After her treatment session you leave feeling completely re-balanced & with a sense of being back in your power.
There has been no operation or any medication & the improvement has been amazing, probably about 80%. There will still be more layers of the onion to work on but the progress has been really significant. I call her Magic Woman. Thank you Georgina for everything.
Jo Lively
I’ve been a client of Georgies remotely for the last 3 years !! To say that it has changed my life is an understatement.
I’ve been on a personal self development journey for last 12 years and was ready to clear my subconscious belief patterns that had been holding me back from reaching my potential. I feel an amazing connection doing the sessions online as opposed to in person and they are a huge support to me on my journey of enlightenment. I would highly recommend a session to anyone at any point on their journey to help propel you forward and find that balance. They continue to build my faith and understand of my path
Thank you Georgie xxx I am so happy that IQM came my way. Goergina is a fantastic, inspiring teacher that is there to support you, not just on the workshop weekend but anytime after. It's such a powerful tool that I use at least once a day to prepare myself for the day - energetically, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I really feel that I have found the correct healing modality for me, it works instantly and other people around me have benefited from receiving Quantum Medicine. It's one of the best modalities that really bridges the gap between spirituality and science perfectly. One of the best parts for me is also finding the Quantum Community that are there to help support in any way they can too. I cannot wait to continue to learn Level 2 and beyond!
I'm using IQM daily as part of my morning without a fail to prep myself for the day. I also use it throughout the day. Since doing the IQM level 1 my life has totally changed. Im not saying this lightly IQM has transformed me in so many ways.
Since the training i have had massive quantum leaps one after another, unlocked part of myself i never knew where there. I have manifested huge opportunities that are still in process, helped with my performance, healed completely the dermatitis on my face and i feel grounded and energised daily.
Sandra Mappa
Level 1 and 2 IQM has empowered me to have an everyday tool to understanding, knowledge, healing (for self and others) and wisdom not taught in schools or society that has allowed me to take hold of the reins of my life, vision and goals, unreliant on convential conscious and fully reliant on my own inner wisdom.
Georgina Withers, teaches in a fun, light spirited manner some often tricky topics that allow you to relax and fully immerse in the experience. I highly recommend Reaching for the Stars and joining Georgina in IQM!! You life will change in the most positive of ways.
Moral Bannerman Retamozo
I have just completed my Quantum Medicine course with Georgina. Wow. This is life changing stuff! I love Georginas teaching style, very thorough, very honest and very chilled. It was so lovely to be able to connect with a group of amazing individuals over Zoom. I can imagine the energy if we were all in one room!
I would recommend this course and Georgina to anyone curious about self healing or healing in general.
Thanks Georgina, cannot wait for the next course!
Jo Stenner
Working with and learning from Georgina was and IS such a joy. I completed my IQM level 2 with Georgina and I absorbed so much. Her teaching is so natural, informative and real.. and her delivery is so empathetic and patient that these profound teachings just seeped in. She gives you permission to be authentic, to cock up, to play, explore and laugh.. continuing to supporting you even when the course is over!
Georgina’s dedication and knowledge is inspiring and infectious along with her giggle 💙
I met Georgina in Ibiza Sept 2022- I had no idea what to expect from our session. She immediately put me at ease - I went in thinking I had nothing holding me back apart from a little lack of confidence- I was very wrong! The Shift, released there and then blockages I had completely buried so deep- we talked through childhood experiences my conscious mind didn’t even know it remembered- this was the catalyst for an amazing journey for me- I had a few online sessions with Georgina when I got back to the UK..each one has deepened my connection with the Universe and the messages that must always have been there but I had tuned out- IQM is a game changer, completely non- invasive, clears energetic and emotional blockages to allow you to be at your most balanced state..thanks to Georgina I have been able to let go of what no longer serves me and live a life in alignment with my true self- I will be forever grateful that I met Georgina and through her, discovered IQM as a healing modality for myself x
Jaymini Patel
I was guided to Georgina and IQM by a sequence of events and messages last year. IQM offered everything I wanted to integrate from my own experience as a therapist and a healer. Now I feel I can really be of service to my clients. Through Georgina, I was trained by a teacher in Japan for Level 1 and had Level 2 training with Georgina. Level 1 was great to learn the systematic approach and once I learned how to assimilate the chart then I’ve learned to use intuitive intellect in Level 2. Georgina is a passionate and thoughtful teacher, I felt so supported throughout the training and beyond. She runs monthly study calls to mentor us and offers ongoing support. I feel energised and connected each time I practice IQM.
This opportunity was a gift to my soul and gave me a new tool to express my purpose.
Thank you so much. 🙏